Mark Woster
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
August 2012 - December 2016
Bachelors of Fine Arts with a concentration in graphic design
Poster Contest
Finalist for International Comic Arts Forum’s poster contest, September 2015.
University of South Carolina Design Program
Developed and organized a portfolio of work for consideration for acceptance into USC’s highly selective Graphic Design Program
Selected as one of 19 admitted into the graphic design program in May 2015
Remarkable Marketing & Design Group, LLC: Co-Founder and Designer
August 2017 – Present
One of two founding members of a digital marketing and graphic design company. Responsible for all company branding, logo design, website design, motion graphics and more. Remarkable MDG offers a full suite of services across both the marketing and design industries.
Clipboard LLC: Co-Founder and Designer
February 2017 – December 2017
Responsible for developing the wireframe and app prototype for the companies application, as well as assisting in overall branding of the application. Part of weekly development meetings with other founding members of the company both in person and via Skype.
Internship at The Village Workshop Northville, Michigan
May 2016 – August 2016
Main responsibility was to distill information from lengthy machine manuals, and reformat/reorganize into easy to read, abbreviated documents. Responsible for various in house design needs including employee checklists, reminders, cleaning schedules etc…
Freelance Designer
January 2016 - April 2016
Developed a cohesive collection of promotional materials for the symposium: Art, Anatomy, and Medicine Since 1700. Worked directly with Dr. Andrew Graciano, Associate director of art history, School of Visual Art and Design, at the University of South Carolina who hosted the event.
Materials included: poster, PDF flyer, postcard, and event program.
Work Experience
Adobe Creative Suite
Motion Graphics
Front-end Web-Design
Screen Printing
Video filming/editing